bitácora de elenaberu

Xmas plans and blog’s name

Xmas is just around the corner and I’m planning to do the following:

The Edublog Award(s)

ENGLISH (traducción al español un poco más abajo):

I wish you…

e-card from HDgreetings.

The Teaching Index

Being obsessed with impact factor (IF), who cares about teaching index as a variable for academic productivity? (when the heck are they going to differentiate and thus differently assess between a research profile and a teaching profile?)

Brilliant cartoon strip by PhD Comics my dear friend and fellow blogger Bart Bonamie sent me:

Academic bulimia: I don’t remember what I forgot

The exam period is approaching, rather, it’s just around the corner.

Pregunta a vicerrectores, administradores y técnicos

Traducida, copiada y remezclada desde The Thinking Stick.


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