Great post | rant by D’Arcy Norman: Defining PLE. I couldn’t agree more.
After testing Twine for several months, and probably due to this inner maverick -not cranky- surge, I’ve come to conclude Twine isn’t so web 3.0, whatever web 3.0 is. And yet, whatever web 3.0 is, I think web 3.0 should be about getting rid of infoxication 2.0, about helping us find and isolate individual items rather than compile (our search hits), about deleting duplicated items…
N.B.: Quizás sea el producto de la evolución natural de una early adopter, mezclada con el hastío de la centralización de datos de la web 2.0 y del abuso de registros (sign-up) de cara al usuario.
I’ve created a public twine aimed at gathering thoughts and ideas on the future of education and learning: the TRUE OPEN LEARNING TWINE, a shift towards a
I wish I had received the invitation from Twine when I was drafting the chapter on Infoxication 2.0 (although I do mention Twine, I was still waiting for their beta invite), because I truly think web 3.0 (or you name it, if we consider the number as the version for a decade, it works for me; i.e.