bitácora de elenaberu

PLE is a verb

Great post | rant by D’Arcy Norman: Defining PLE. I couldn’t agree more.

Twine might not be web 3.0, after all.

After testing Twine for several months, and probably due to this inner maverick -not cranky- surge, I’ve come to conclude Twine isn’t so web 3.0, whatever web 3.0 is. And yet, whatever web 3.0 is, I think web 3.0 should be about getting rid of infoxication 2.0, about helping us find and isolate individual items rather than compile (our search hits), about deleting duplicated items…

Open Learning | Open Education: The Cape Town Open Declaration

Aunque muy tarde, me entero que existe algo como la Declaración de Ciudad del Cabo para la Educación Abierta, que he apoyado con mi firma, aunque estos gestos realmente sirven para algo?

For an Open Web 2.0: Web 2.0 y FLOSS

N.B.: Quizás sea el producto de la evolución natural de una early adopter, mezclada con el hastío de la centralización de datos de la web 2.0 y del abuso de registros (sign-up) de cara al usuario.

Join True Open Learning Twine

I’ve created a public twine aimed at gathering thoughts and ideas on the future of education and learning: the TRUE OPEN LEARNING TWINE, a shift towards a

Web 3.0: Searching vs finding

I wish I had received the invitation from Twine when I was drafting the chapter on Infoxication 2.0 (although I do mention Twine, I was still waiting for their beta invite), because I truly think web 3.0 (or you name it, if we consider the number as the version for a decade, it works for me; i.e.


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