Xmas plans and blog’s name

Xmas is just around the corner and I’m planning to do the following:

  • Upgrading to Wordpress 2.7 (along with concurrent symptoms such as cold sweating, finger crossing, praying and the like).
  • Writing chapter # 3 of my PhD thesis (to be submitted on Jan 7th…which is impossible).
  • Drafting blog posts.
  • I’ve registered for David Wiley’s open course on Open Education (if interested in joining, click here) and I’m already wondering if I’ll be able to manage everything. Guess I won’t.

And last but not least:

  • Changing the NAME OF THIS BLOG: I don’t like the numbering. The moment you set a version, you’re getting an expiry date. I’m trying to find a name I like with an available domain and I’m starting to think it’s mission:impossible. I thought of FLOW: Future Learning and Open Web (or foreign languages and open web)…but all domains are taken. Then FEW: Future Education and Web…since we’re quite a few ;) but I don’t know. It doesn’t have to be an acronym, though. So I’m open to suggestions.