bitácora de elenaberu

Pixton: (your) comic generator and owner

The PhD thesis is writing me (no sic, intended), I hope that excuses my [forced - painful] blog silence.

Vote for your top language blog

I never asked you for anything.

Warning, unprecedented begging mode (and it’s not self-promoting mode by any means):

Another tool for our PLEing: Cohere

I came across this yet another tool for our Personal Learning Environment (PLE): Cohere, a free tool from the Open University (via this Martin Weller’s food-for-thought post on FLOSS and eLearning).

Transparent Web, Transparent Networks

The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the
fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it. (Mark Weiser, 1991).

That’d be the real paradigm shift.

Kaltura experiment: Yes We Can, can’t we?

It’s a great day. It feels great. Something in the air.

Feel like participating in the post? or just reading?

Metapost: news about some plugins

I’ve recently installed the following plugins (better late than never):

1. OPENID: I’m still checking if it’s worth a try. I hope it doesn’t bring me problems (i.e. trolls ;))  Now, you can leave comments with your OpenID.


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