Academic bulimia: I don’t remember what I forgot

The exam period is approaching, rather, it’s just around the corner.

I’m not going to rant about this kind of assessment, and I could -and I would- but I’d just like to point out that I don’t like multiple choice tests…they’re unfair. And after discussing on education with the learners in my groups, I conclude they don’t like them either. If you’ve studied, a multiple choice test might be a piece of cake and you’ll pass. If you haven’t, you may have a lucky day, and you’ll pass too.
Multiple choice tests are just a commodity for teachers. Easy to grade.
Have I mentioned here that the exam of the subject I’m teaching will consist of a 20-question multiple choice test -among other things-? I’ve already shared my opinion with the senior lecturer who’s responsible for the subject, and I hope we can change it for next term.
Anyway, exams…Remember that image on industrial logic applied to learning? I guess that’d explain this: