bitácora de elenaberu

Word Spy: neologisms

Did you go through an epiphanic moment and came up with a new word or term, the next wannabe buzzword? You might take a look at Word Spy, a site (actually, it’s a blog) dedicated to recently coined words (or existing words with a revamped meaning) and double check if someone else had the same inspiring moment…

Save the words: Adopt and spread a word


Cucumis and Socialbel, translation by humans

I remember having posted here some of my thoughts on automatic translation (great efforts but still *not there*).

I stumbled across (sorry, I can’t remember exactly who shared them, I failed to bookmark the source this time) these two sites which offer us he possibility to join a sort of peer-to-peer translation community, an approach based on the economy of gift or sharing.

Twitter and learning/ Twitter y el aprendizaje

Related to my CALL for a Twitter Language Tandem (please pass it on), a dear Twitter friend shared with me the following links:

- “Teaching with Twitter“, by Steeve Wheeler. I especially like what he calls the Lingua Tweeta, which is basically a language tandem.

An example of *real* situated learning?

Watch the following video -if you want of course- (a project by HotLavaSoftware with the Kauffman Foundation):

Call for a Twitter Tandem (Tandem language learning)

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase

If you’re a teacher and want to use Twitter with your learners,"


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