bitácora de elenaberu

Unique opportunities for language learning?

I’ve read “The iPod Project: A mini lab” and I thought of posting some of the weaknesses and strengths of the project here:

El Cantazo: Las chicas son guerreras (Canciones para ELE y más)

Pues no hacía tiempo ni nada que no publicaba algo para la sección de canciones…que igual, no sé, evoluciona y se abre a más idiomas. Pero vamos, según sople el viento. Que para eso está el blog y su cátedra…:P

Hoy todo un clásico: “Las chicas son guerreras”, entre las que me considero, de COZ…un grupo de rock español, nuestro AC/DC ibérico rebajado con agua, de los años 80. Hay otras versiones de la canción, creo que de Tequila, pero ésta es la que me gusta, entre otras cosas porque seguro que nos provoca más de una o dos nostalgias de nuestra juventud…

This is not an apology

I was going to write the sort of I’m-sorry-I-haven’t-blogged-for-a-while post when it hit my mind that this apology should never really take place. Blame it on the judeo-christian background. Bloggers…(I’m not a blogger, I’m someone who blogs but I don’t make money out of this activity nor I am a pro blogger)….bloggers often times publish posts in which they apologize and justify their absence on this medium.

Collaborative writing: Doingtext

My experience with GoogleDocs as a collaborative text tool has been quite frustrating. The fact is I’ve never had a problem when using GoogleDocs on my own, as a word processor or when sharing the document with someone else. But when I tried to use GoogleDocs as a classroom tool, mayhem ahead. After getting over the shock of realizing that 90% of my digital native students didn’t know what GoogleDocs was, problems started when they started to add collaborators to their projects.

Spanish lessons for English speakers

Add the ‘os…

EFL videos: adding subtitles with Overstream

There are many some web-based tools out there to edit videos online: Viddler, Jumpcut (which does not longer accept uploads, so clearly in the deadpool -probably to send users to Flickr, another Yahoo company)


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