bitácora de gwolf

There is only one way I'll pay attention to you…

gamaral / Guillermo / Memo / William/ Billy / Willy / Wonka / Antonio / Anthony / Tony talks about how names are constructed or used in Mexico. However, the formula is not for all of Latin America (i.e. it does not apply to the South Cone, as they still don't find a use for keeping the mother's family name). Also, while in the USA the mother's family name is not used, in most of Europe it is.

Carlos Bueso, from the Honduras Free Software community, detained

I met Carlos Bueso two weeks ago, at the Central American Free Software Encounter. I am translating this mail writen by Erika Valverde (Costa Rica) explaining his situation.

Excuse me for a broken, possibly wrong English - I find more important to make this message available than to get proper wording for it. If you cannot understand something and can read Spanish, or if you wish to further distribute this text, please refer to the original mail.

Hello everybody,

My strongest rejection to th de-facto government in Honduras

I will here translate the text of a petition a friend is starting, which will be delivered to the Hondurean embassy in Mexico.

Original text in Spanish

Recuento de mi viaje a Nicaragua para el Encuentro Centroamericano de Software Libre

Este texto

En un principio, comencé con este relato para compartir con un par de amigos y familiares, y evitarme contar una y otra vez el mismo cuento (que aunque me da gusto compartirlo, es tedioso repetir las partes repetitivas, y siempre dejaré cosas importantes fuera). Mejor que todos lean el relato de viajero base, y después de eso ahondamos más en percepciones específicas, puntos de vista de tal o cual cosa…

…Pero conforme escribía y escribía, decidí que más que sólo contar cómo me fue, esto podría servir como mi personalísima reseña del Encuentro, sin perder el fuerte peso personal de cualquier opinión. A fin de cuentas, si una comunidad entera es la que me mandó a volar (bromeé con los amigos diciéndoles que nunca creí que tanta gente estaba dispuesta a poner dinero para que yo me fuera de México), merecen que les cuente en qué invertí sus pesos. Así que, probablemente, encontrarán que el principio de esta narración está en
un tono más personal.

Ogg stream for ECSL

I was sent to Nicaragua by the Cofradía community, and I want to somehow pay back this very nice sponsorship. I approached the organizers and offered to set up video streaming for the Encounter - The idea was most welcome, and it is basically ready to go live now. Please look at the ECSL activities - We will stream activities held at the main (Villa Vieja) auditorium. Remember that Nicaragua is in GMT-6.

The great firehole of Nicaragua


I have spent a couple of hours connected from Norman García's house, in Managua. Norman is most kindly hosting me at home for a couple of days before we leave (tomorrow) for Estelí, where the Central American Free Software Encounter will be held.

Now, the network feels really slow. However, it can sustain download rates of around 512Kbps, quite acceptable. Latency is what kills. But... I was stunned with mtr's results to my home server:


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