bitácora de gwolf

Strange scanning on my server?

Humm... Has anybody else seen a pattern like this?

Honduras: .hn NIC attacked/intervened by the de-facto government authorities

I was requested to forward this information to as wide an audience as possible.

Possibly two months ago the legality/legitimacy of the actions carried out by the Hondurean armed forces, which captured a democratically elected president and without a judicial order or trial process forced him out of the country, starting a de-facto government, was something questionable. Each day, however, it becomes clearer and clearer the Hondureans are suffering a represive military-backed system which cannot be expected to fulfill as a trustable entity to conduct fair, credible elections.

Toast to Turing

I was pointed to this Toast to Turing, by Matt Harvey. Very much worth sharing.

My inner Neo-Zealanders' fallacies


I just woke up. I was having a funny and surprisingly not-abnormal dream. You know, the few occasions where I remember my dreams, I practically always find a really impossible situation going on. Not this time, and that was the first thing that struck my mind.

Google having gender issues related to old-agers?

I am updating an old package's packaging style to take advantage of the new DebHelper 7 goodities. So far, I have been quite successful, but I hit a problem… And before bugging on IRC, I decided to check with Joey Hess' presentation at DebConf9, Not your grandpa's debhelper.

Of course, not remembering the URL, it was the most natural thing to ask Google:

Did you mean... Not your grandma's Debhelper‽ WTF!


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