bitácora de gwolf

Otvaranje očiju uz dobru kavicu

Safir, Adnan: If you want to push the Bosnian bid, please mention the pleasure it is to drink a good cup of good coffee in the morning. And Bosnian coffee really qualifies as good coffee!

Fino mljevena Jubilarna kava dobivena je izhorom najkvalitetnijih vrsta sirove kave kao rezultat dugogodišnjeg iskustva tvornice Franck.

Hvala ti, brate!

Back home, keys signed and all

After leaving DebConf on the much uncomfortable 06:45 train last Friday (uncomfortable not because of the seats but because of the timing — It basically meant not sleeping at all in order to spend a last full night of socialization+Mao), I stopped by two dear friends' houses near Madrid (Adriano+Nuria at Alcobendas, María+Borja at Alovera) and came back to Mexico. I must say I was... Really, really, really tired most of the time. On Friday, I met my friends slightly past 5PM, and all the time in between was spent walking to get some things done in Madrid.

For those who care about cheap, veggie-friendly, abundant food in Madrid

So, the 6:45 train group managed to leave DebConf in time and arrive to Madrid, very badly slept, but anyway... I missed some of them who I had not yet said goodbye to. Well, 100% coverage is a theoretical maximum after all! Lucas got to see me quite distressed, moneyless and unable to lodge my bulky 30Kg suitcase (including bike and wine).

About to leave Cáceres


This has been a great two weeks. DebCamp was -of course- followed by DebConf. My blog postings were kept silent to an absolute minimum, just as my measurable productivity. Of course, this does not mean I have been scratching my belly or anything. Orga team work is HARD and tiring. But it is great fun. And sitting at the front desk means you get to interact with everybody. For $DEITY's sake, it is the best way to get to know people,

Anyway... The last session of Mao is about to start. I am closing the computer. GREAT TIME!

Smelling dead

DebConf9. Assassins. Nomeata has been killed. So have I. Now, the rules say the sock that kills you should be clean, and by that, I understand it should be not smelly — I guess I could have complained that I was killed in the presence of very smelly cheese. Does that still count?


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