bitácora de gwolf back online

You might have noticed that during last week the Mexican Debian mirror, (a.k.a., a.k.a., went offline. The motherboard died on us, and Facultad de Ciencias was kind enough to give us a brand new one. So, excuse us for the blackout, but we are back – Meaner and badder than ever before!

Main character for The Gunnar Wolf chronicles

Main character for The Gunnar Wolf chronicles

I am afraid to say this... But my good friend Kaz has just created a great iconic representation of this angry viking-like antihero on his crusade to spread Free Software and clobber every naysayer with the DFSG and his own personal interpretation of the Social Contract (where Guideline is defined as...

Summertime, summertime!

Summertime, summertime!

Politicians time once again

It is time for stupid, empty politicians slogans once again in my dear country. And, as always, while we had lively, controversial presidential elections three years ago (and I won't rant this time on why so many Mexicans still believe the current president can only be called a de facto president), the mid-term elections... Fail to get any attention and cause only bored reactions.

I ❤ D.F.

I ❤ D.F.

...Just going out of almost two weeks of reclusion due to the porcine^W human^W atypical^W new-and-yet-unnamed AH1N1 influenza. The streets are still mostly deserted, but at least we are allowed back into our workplaces.


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