Carlos Bueso, from the Honduras Free Software community, detained

I met Carlos Bueso two weeks ago, at the Central American Free Software Encounter. I am translating this mail writen by Erika Valverde (Costa Rica) explaining his situation.

Excuse me for a broken, possibly wrong English - I find more important to make this message available than to get proper wording for it. If you cannot understand something and can read Spanish, or if you wish to further distribute this text, please refer to the original mail.

Hello everybody,

I wrote this some hours ago, and am circulating it because I don't know what else to do... I imagine all of us are in similar terms with our frustration and our willingness to do something.

Somebody answered to me with an update, and I reelaborated the note, and am reproducing it here so everybody shares it with our communities, via our blogs and whatever ways we find. We must do something, right? At least this! And I don't know what more... Can somebody think of anything? Meanwhile, please redistribute this.

I am writing to other organizations to see what we can do.

Our friend Carlos Bueso has been detained in El Progreso. He is a communicator, acused of sedition.
Carlos Bueso

This morning, our friend Carlos Bueso was detained. Carlos is a member of the Comunicación Comunitaria (COMUN) organization, as well as of the Central American Free Software community. COMUN promoves and defends laboral and human rights by advancing alternative communication means. Their offices are located in El Progreso, 250 Km north of Tegucigalpa, the national capital, in the Atlantic coast of Honduras, and 26 Km from San Pedro Sula, the country's second city in importance.

Carlos Bueso is an 18 year old informatics technician. In COMUN, he works performing computer-related teaching and Free Software promotion. He also is an editor for the Vida Laboral magazine, and maintains the website.

In the June 30 morning, Carlos took part of a demonstration in El Progreso, Yoro, against the coup perpetrated on June 28. This demonstration was repressed at 10 AM, the army shot at the air and used several tear gas bombs. Carlos was detained, as well as Marcelino Martinez, Jorge Cordon, Junior Antunez, Joel Martinez, Martha Ileana Hernandez and Jose Erazo. The complete news note is available (in Spanish) in and a video of this repression can be seen at

Carlos and other people are detained in the El Progreso police cells, and will be presented to the tribunals next July 1st, accused of sedition.

The detainees have been interviewed, and they are OK, waiting to be put at the Public Prosecutor's (Ministerio Público) authority. The Prosecutor can decide to set them free, or refer them to the Tribunals. If they are sent to the Tribunals, they will be probably sent to the local presidium for six days to be interrogated.

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Carlos Bueso 5.25 KB
Original mail (in Spanish) 4.45 KB