bitácora de gwolf

Nicaragua, here I go!


Yes, I know I had already said I would be travelling next week to the Central American Free Software Encounter. However, I was close to not making it.

I had got a sponsor for the plane ticket, and counted on it. However, in a depressed economy, you cannot count on anything… Least of all on a company being able to give you money for nothing.

Hey, Churro, are you happy now?

Hey, Churro, are you happy now?

Caro says hi!

(yes, probably you will need some context... or much more than that ;-) Anyway, Churro, you were a recurring item at our talk today)

Liliana Castillo, in memoriam

Three weeks ago, 23 year old Liliana Castillo, student of the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas at UNAM was killed while driving her bycicle, at the Avenida Universidad and Real de Mayorazgo corner, in Mexico City, less than 3Km north from my house (and from the University). I have crossed that spot several times, also driving my bike. It is not a corner where you would expect a careless, speeding driver coming out of nowhere and killing a girl, a student, an artist.

Monetizing the value of a directory hierarchy

Having recently become an Unicode (ab)user, in great part due to Kragen's .XCompose, I took again the mission to convince people that resistance is futile, you will be assimilated into the multilingual world of UTF8...

Foldable «Universo» bike

Today I went to the La Merced area to finally buy a foldable bike. There were basically four options: Benotto's 20" Utopia, Alubike 16" Foldingbike, Alubike 24" and a custom-made bike at a smaller store, Bici Universo.

RubyCamp Mexico

RubyCamp UNAM logo Today I attended RubyCamp (schedule available), organized by my friends at Instituto de Física, at my University. I presented three plugins I made and regularly use.


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