bitácora de gwolf

Lovin' it in Afghanistan

Lovin' it in Afghanistan

Bitácora de la junta edusolera del pasado jueves (15/oct/2009)

Lo pongo acá para que todos lo vean y para hacerle un poco de ruido — Socializar es bueno ;-) Me comenta Pooka que por alguna razón se le perdió la bitácora oficial que hace (o debería hacer) nuestro querido bot de la reunión de organización que tuvimos el jueves pasado. Bueno, yo guardo bitácora de todo lo que digo y escucho, así que ahí les va.

How can we advance without a tax increase?

There has been a lot of buzz recently in Mexico after a tax increase that has been announced for next year. The two main points I have seen criticized are:

Among the reasons that brought me to Debian...

Every now and then, people ask me why Debian? Why, among so many projects to choose from, I first liked, then got into, and finally I got committed into Debian, and not anything else?

Of course, one of the main points —back in 2000-2001 when I started using it, and still to this very day— is a strong identification with the ideological side. Yes, I am a strong Free Software believer, and Debian is what best suites my ideology.

Getting closer to the fifth EDUSOL Encounter

This is the fifth year we hold an EDUSOL, and we are closing in on it. EDUSOL is an online encounter whose topics are Education and Free Software — Actually, this year we are widening our scope, and we will include Free Culture as well as a base area.

Linux ranks high on stability — One more time

Linux ranks high on stability — One more time

Even at the most physical level. This is a cup that won't topple over when you accidentally kick the desk! Gunnar's Viking of Approval certifies it.


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