Metapost: news about some plugins

I’ve recently installed the following plugins (better late than never):

1. OPENID: I’m still checking if it’s worth a try. I hope it doesn’t bring me problems (i.e. trolls ;))  Now, you can leave comments with your OpenID.

2. Notify of followup comments: When you leave a comment and want to be notified when someone else replies to yours. (You can also subscribe to the blog’s general RSS Comments -check the sidebar-).

3. Going semantic: Dolors Reig from El Caparazón recommended me to install the Wordpress SIOC Exporter (plus the Semantic Radar add-on for Firefox). Next plan is to install a FOAF plugin.

4. Clear posts archive: Here, on the right, you can find the “All posts | Archive”  link, where you can browse all the posts published here (as I already explained here, the previous entries link at the bottom of the main page won’t work, due to some sort of incompatibility between Wordpress and servers running on Windows or something like that. It’s a bug affecting many WP users after WP 2.5 upgrade but WP won’t listen to us -probably because they don’t know how to solve it and the solutions they provided didn’t work-).

Thanks for staying tuned!