bitácora de elenaberu

Effective methods to learn a foreign language?

Browsing my Twine feeds I came across a study claiming to revolutionize language learning. According to some research carried out at Victoria University (NZ), the most efficient method to learn a foreign language is by constant exposure to sounds in that target language, even if the learner doesn’t understand them or know what they mean.

Well…WOW…Quite a statement, isn’t it?

Can anyone tell me how and why

when no one read, someone started to write?

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English Business Letters

Need to write a business letter in English? The English Business Letter generator by EGO4U is a useful resource for both native (managing the time crunch) and non-native speakers (looking for accuracy). Just “choose the template and mark the checkboxes for the sentences you want to use in your business letter. The result can be copied into the clipboard or saved as TXT or RTF file”:


myGengo: (paid for) online human translation

Here we have another service/site providing human translation. Unlike Cucumis or Socialbel, myGengo is not free. This Japanese start-up is offering low-cost translations, i.e. users upload their texts, pay via paypal and qualified myGengo translators will do their job. In order to become a myGengo translator, you have to sign up and take a test (I signed up  some time ago but they’re only offering translations ENG<>JAP, so I’ll have to wait for Spanish).

Shahi: The visual dictionary

Shahi is a visual dictionary combining Wiktionary content with Flickr images. It’s a simple but perfect example of what anyone can do with APIs: a mashup, which is IMHO a centripetal approach to what web should be (instead of centrifugal approaches adding more sometimes unnecessarily). This is not a social dictionary like the ones reviewed here: there’s no way to share, tag, rate or modify content.

Taller de blogs para principiantes (Materiales)

Tenía pendiente desde hace ya bastante tiempo subir estos materiales al blog. Se trata de una serie de recursos para quiénes quieren montarse un blog (orientado a y quieren saber más sobre cómo, por qué, qué. Contiene breves explicaciones de conceptos sobre la web 2.0, la blogosfera y sobre todo enlaces a los recursos disponibles en la red. Lo preparé con Weebly, porque era sencillo y me permitía bajarme un zip para luego, por ejemplo, hacer un autoejecutable en un cd o dvd.


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