bitácora de elopio

Selenium automation: improvements in test package hirarchies and naming conventions

Hello dear Internet. My name is Leo Arias and this is my first post for the Openbravo Planet.
I work with the QA team helping the rest of developers to build high-quality software.

FLISoL 2010 en Costa Rica

El próximo sábado nos vemos en la Universidad Latina en San Pedro para celebrar la libertad.
Afiche del FLISoL

Una comunidad libre: ¿Qué les parece si hablamos de gratis vrs libre?

Música gratis o música libre

«El software libre es una cuestión de libertad, no de precio. Para entender el concepto, debería pensar en libre como en libre expresión, no como en barra libre.» [1].

From wordpress to drupal

My recent activity on this blog was everything but writing...
I got bored and started trying the technologies around wordpress. Basically those related to internationalization.

Go Pirates!

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="221" caption="Image by Dev Ran Catt. Creative Commons License: attribution-share alike"][/caption]

OiNK Founder Will Be in Really Big Trouble — Just As Soon As Police Figure Out What He's Done Wrong

(English) Go Pirates!

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English.


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