bitácora de elopio

Únanse al equipo de traducción de Drupal


Hoy me hacés falta, cabrón


«Y te daré una nube cuando te vayas,
me verás en el cielo cuando te vayas.
Y si sopla buen viento
ella se irá con vos
remontando mis penas cerca del sol.»

DrupalCamp Centroamérica, Puntarenas, June 2011


DrupalCamp Centroamérica, Puntarenas, June 2011


Selenium Grid and the parallel smoke test suite

At the QA team we have been playing for a while with Selenium Grid, a great tool to run Selenium tests in parallel.
The first task was to reduce the execution time of the Smoke Test Suite having more than one browser running the tests. This is a complex suite with a lot of dependencies, so there's a limit on the parallelization that is possible to achieve. Pablo Luján prepared a graph to explain this a little better:

Doors and idiot-proof design

I don't know how to use doors. Not even the ones with instructions written on them. If they say "push" I pull, and if they say "pull" I push. I've been locked in, locked out and locked between doors. I can't easily find the handle to get out of my own car. Let's better not talk about keys and locks...
I'm not being particularly smart here, but it seems that the error is more common than I thought. And it seems that my stupidity is not the only cause.


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