From wordpress to drupal

My recent activity on this blog was everything but writing...
I got bored and started trying the technologies around wordpress. Basically those related to internationalization.
So I first want to thank wordpress developers and contributors for this great free software that they have gave to us. You set me free from google's privative software and I learned a lot in the process. @Matt Mullen, the next time you are in town the beer is on me :)
But now there's time for a new major change: from wordpress to drupal.
I still don't feel in the mood for writing, so I want to use this site to learn about other things related to drupal.
The migration was really an easy process. First I installed drupal and enabled Wordpress Import module.
Then I exported my wordpress blog as an xml from my administration panel (tools > export). And imported it using the drupal module (admin/content/wordpress_import).
That was it. Trackbacks didn't get imported and captions and translation tags weren't parsed. But nothing that will be missed or can't be fixed in the future was lost in the process.
The next thing I worked on was the theme. I really liked my previous theme (the post is only in Spanish) so I tried to keep the same style. This time I used AD The Morning After and made it resemble Elements of SEO keeping my previous color palette and the same image by jroldenettel. There's still a lot of work to do and I am not a designer, but this is enough for me to use the site.
Right now I'm playing with Drupal Internationalization. Most of the post will be in English, some of them in Spanish, and I'll try to translate everything to Esperanto. So if you speak English, Spanish or Esperanto any language correction or suggestion will be highly appreciated :D
If you are getting this post in the wrong language, please be patient. It's a work in progress... Right now there's a widget that some day will show only the posts in your selected language.