
Debconf12 live streams

Just in case you just not know, Debconf is on the second day, for full schedule and for the live streams that we love to have at home when we can’t made to the annual meeting click here for the two rooms streams there is also the link for play with your favorite multimedia player, but if your browser is mozilla based you can watch directly on it.

From DebCamp to DebConf through cheese, wine and an intro track

One week. One long week. One beautiful week. One of the two major weeks of the year has passed since my previous post. Surely, we are in the middle of the two Major Weeks of the year, in the yearly schedule I have upheld for almost(!) ten years: DebConf+DebCamp.

Yesterday, DebConf officially started. For the first time ever, we had a DebConf track targetted at the local (for a wide definition of local: All of the Central American countries) communities, which I chaired.

Crisis , what democracy? ... #Universidad: ¿Hacia un cambio de modelo?. Informe. Llopis, E.S., Sevilla, C., Marugán, B. y Cruces, J. ...

Hoy os traemos a este espacio al Informe de la Fundación 1º de Mayo, 49, Julio 2012
Llopis, E.S., Sevilla, C., Marugán, B. y Cruces, J.: Universidad: ¿Hacia un cambio de modelo?

Festival de cine en Sgo. del Estero

Lo siento, este artículo no está disponible en español


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