
Innovatig Pedagogy 2012. Informe The Open University vía @MoodleMcKean

Gracias a nuestra navegación diaria por er twitterío ... y en el timeline dePaul McKean, al que os aconsejamos seguir @MoodleMcKean

Electronic voting: Talk delivered in Moquegua (Peru)

Title Electronic voting: Talk delivered in Moquegua (Peru)
Publication Type

Ten theses in favor of free download of cultural goods on the Internet (by Enrique G. Gallegos)

This is one of the days where reading my everyday newspaper was worth more than just getting bitter at the news. I found this text in La Jornada, my usual newspaper. I liked it very much, and decided to translate it for a wider audience. Of course, if you can read Spanish, do yourself a favor and go to the original. It is not that the text is so easy to translate. And, after all, I'm not a native English writer.

#Educación y Brecha Digital. Número monográfico revista Etic@net.

Hoy traemos a este espacio el nuevo número de la revista Etic@net , del grupo de investigación TEIS (Tecnología Educativa e Investigación Social) de la Universidad de Granada dirigida por Jose Antonio Ortega Carrillo ... con su número monográfico educación y brecha digital


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