
Rumbo a “Open Here” en Dublin, Irlanda

Durante esta semana voy a participar del congreso “Open Here”, que tendrá lugar en la ciudad de Dublin (Irlanda). Voy a estar presente en dos paneles:
Presentation: GNUded [Harald Welte, Franco Iacomella, Tom Rondeau]
10am to 11.30am – Paccar Theater, Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin
P2P y el comunismo del Capital [Michel Bauwens, Franco Iacomella & Rachel O'Dwyer]
2pm to 3.30pm – Paccar Theater, Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin

“Learning for Open Innovation” …. Transformation and Change for Future Learning 5 – 7 September, Granada, Spain

Hoy traemos a este espacio al 
the EFQUEL Innovation Forum !
Since its early days, the EFQUEL Innovation Forum has been a highly
interactive place for discussing future and innovative practices,

La Córdoba de Claudio Marcelo (Libros amigos 16)

O magnos viros, qui fortunae succumbere nesciunt et adversas res suae virtutis experimenta faciunt!¡Qué grandes hombres son aquellos que no saben sucumbir a la mala fortuna y utilizan la adversidad para fortalecer su valor!Séneca el Viejo (Contr.


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