“Learning for Open Innovation” …. Transformation and Change for Future Learning 5 – 7 September, Granada, Spain

Hoy traemos a este espacio al 
the EFQUEL Innovation Forum !
Since its early days, the EFQUEL Innovation Forum has been a highly
interactive place for discussing future and innovative practices,
research and policy developments in the various sectors of technology
enhanced education and training. The 7th EFQUEL Innovation Forum, taking
place from 5 to 7 September 2012 in Granada is a unique opportunity to
meet other experts from Europe and other regions of the world.

Que nos presentan así:

“Learning for Open Innovation”
…. Transformation and Change for Future Learning
5 – 7 September, Granada, Spain

How can we turn our traditional educational institutions into
(r)evolutionary leading organisations? How can innovation be stimulated?
The conference will observe and analyse how open innovation can be used
to transform today’s educational institutions.

Educational institutions have mostly taken an evolutionary approach
to respond to the challenges of the modern world. But the incremental
innovation of our educational institutions is not sufficient to cope
with the ongoing fundamental transformation of societies. Change in most
education institutions has started too late and is executed too slowly
to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Only open, disruptive
innovation offers higher education institutions strategic choices to
overcome long-standing and deeply-rooted orthodoxies and to make them
fit for the future.

conference will question why most educational institutions still
educate tomorrow’s leaders, experts and workforce with yesterday’s
tools. The contemporary education landscape is facing disruptive
technological advancements and the promises of web 2.0 to foster a new
mode of knowledge creation and collaborative learning among students
around the world. We are always online, continuously updating and
connecting to electronic information nodes in the globalised digital
village of the web. A key issue to develop a balanced view on the topic
from all perspectives: strategic, pedagogical, managerial as well as
technological. We aim to bring in contributions from different domains
and disciplines towards open innovation and thus quality.

However, the promises of modern Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) and e-learning have not effectively innovated
universities. Little progress has been made and resources invested into
ICT adoption are frequently spent without a clear definition of
objectives and change strategies. The future of learning is taking place
now – and yet educational activities are often stalled in a pedagogical
model of transmitting knowledge rather than constructing solutions,
following educational approaches which have been put into place
centuries ago and still largely dominate teaching and learning in


Tony Bates

basic model of teaching in higher education needs to change, to meet
the challenges of the 21st century and to fully exploit the potential of
technology for teaching and learning, while still preserving the core
values of higher education. Why change a model that has worked for 800
years? How to move innovation in teaching from the periphery to the
centre? How to develop strategies for implementing innovation? What are
the available scenarios for the future of teaching and learning in
higher education?  Tony Bates shares his thoughts with you.
Dr. Tony Bates is the author of eleven books in the field of online
learning and distance education. He has provided consulting services
specializing in training in the planning and management of online
learning and distance education, working with over 40 organizations in
25 countries. Tony is a Research Associate with Contact North | Contact
Nord, Ontario’s Distance Education & Training Network.
Read more about Tony Bates on his website: http://www.tonybates.ca/

Ana Garcia

Garcia (Project manager at the European Network of Living Labs – ENoLL)
deals with a wide range of Open Innovation and User Driven Innovation
projects and innovation communities. She has a Masters Degree in
Telecommunications Engineering and an International Executive MBA. Ana
has a strong industrial and technical background in the
Telecommunications industry and has actively worked and collaborated in
multiple national and international projects dealing with different
areas such as R&D, design, implementation, innovation and technology
Ana on Slideshare about ENoLL: http://www.slideshare.net/openlivinglabs/enoll-in-projects-ana-garcia

Graham Attwell

Attwell is an Associate Fellow, Institute for Employment Research,
University of Warwick and a Gastwissenschaftler at the Insititut Technik
und Bildung, University of Bremen.
Graham Attwell is specialised in research and development into
pedagogies for Technology Enhanced Learning, He has done consultancies
for OECD and UNESCO on open content development and consultancies for
the European Centre for Vocational Education and Training (CEDEFOP) on
virtual communities and knowledge harvesting.  His recent work has
focused on research and development of new applications and approaches
to e-Portfolios and Personal Learning Environments and use of social
software for learning and knowledge development.
Graham will explore the grey zone between formal and informal
learning and the challenges the formal sector faces in trying to
incorporate “free-range” learning. Can higher education find ways of
validating workplace learning and experience as well as new models such
as the various variants on the MOOC theme? There are already many models
out there from OERu to the new EdX as well as P2PU and the MOOCs of
Siemens/Downes/Cormier, not to forget the whole open badges debate. Will
they really lead to a revolution in education or will they be gobbled
up or made irrelevant by the traditional sector?
Visit Graham’s page on Pontydysgu.

Stephan Atsou

Atsou will bring experiences on combining learning and innovation from
the corporate e-Learning sector.  Stephan Atsou started his career as a
teacher and was a pioneer in online learning in Belgium. His passion for
innovative learning solutions and expertise on the evolution of
corporate e-learning earns him regular invitation as guest speaker to
Pan-European Conferences. He is also co-author of “e-learning: a solution for your company” (Edipro, 2009).
Stephan Atsou joined CrossKnowledge in 2007, where he is in charge of
operations for Continental Europe. CrossKnowledge is the European
Leader in distance learning solutions and enables organisations to
successfully evolve by developing each individual. It offers integrated
solutions drawing on exclusive learning formats, amongst the most sought
after content in the world and a range of accompanying services,
according to a company’s needs.
Visit his profile on LinkedIn: http://be.linkedin.com/in/stephanatsou

EIF main conference

Thursday 6th of September

Plenary – keynote

Tony Bates (info)
Ana Garcia (info)


From Training to Social Learning
Evaluating Innovaton
Management of and strategies for Open Innovation
Evaluating Innovaton
Session 1
Paper presentation session and discussion
Session 4
Workshop on the upscaling and mainstreaming ICT innovation in E&T
OER Business models (organised by IPTS)
Session 7
Paper presentation session and discussion
Session 10
Paper presentation session and discussion (in Spanish)
Session 2
Simulation training in Healthcare: workshp and discussions
Session 5
OER Certification and assessment (paper and presentation session
Session 8
Paper presentation session and discussion
Session 11
Paper presentation session and discussion (in Spanish)
Session 3
Paper presentation session and discussion
Session 6
Crowd sourced credentials and rethinking educational assessment (Preetha Ram) Read the article
Session 9
OER internationalisation panel. Read the article.
Session 12
Existing European certification and benchmarking models or HE, capacity building and VET (in Spanish)

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Fuente: [efquel]