bitácora de gwolf

My git tips...

La inteligencia del ratón

Reproduzco aquí la nota publicada hoy en la columna Navegaciones, de Pedro Miguel, en el periódico mexicano La Jornada. Puntos extra por citar a un cuate, el hacker admirado por todos nosotros, al extraordinariamente mítico Mancha. - Delivering .tar.gz from Github tags

There is quite a bit of software whose upstream authors decide that, as they are already using Git for development, the main distribution channel should be GitHub - This allows, yes, for quite a bit of flexibility, which many authors have taken advantage of.

So, I just registered and set up to make it easier for packagers to take advantage of it.

Apt-get and gems: Different planets, right. But it must not be the war of the worlds!

Thanks to some unexplained comments on some oldish entries on my blog, I found -with a couple of days of delay- Rubigem is from Mars, Apt-get is from Venus, in Pelle's weblog. And no, I have not yet read the huge amount of comments generated from it... Still, I replied with the following text - And I am leaving this blog post in place to remind me to further extend my opinions later on.

Familar poetry

I love it when a lack-of-humor and lack-of-appropriateness-originated flamewar causes somebody to point me towards a very nice display of intelligent humor. Specially when it is so close to me, to my roots, to my family and my personal history. FWIW, for several years, while I was a BBS user, I used WereWolf as my nickname. Great thanks to Frank Küster - and, of course, to Christian Morgenstern.


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