bitácora de gwolf

Acer Aspire One fan control

Almost a month ago, Mauro pointed towards acerfand, a daemon to keep the Acer Aspire One's fan quiet while not needed. Thanks, Mauro, you made my life more pleasant ;-)
Today I had some free time in my hands (of course, putting aside everything else I should be doing), so I decided to un-uglify my machine. I hate having random stuff in /usr/local! So I packaged Rachel Greenham's acerfand for Debian. It should hit unstable soon.

Carta abierta a El Universal y al Instituto Mexicano de Propiedad Intelectual

Jorge Amigo Castañeda, Director General del Instituto Mexicano de Propiedad Intelectual;
Editores del periódico "El Universal";
Sociedad mexicana, presente.

El pasado día 19 de septiembre leí, con sorpresa y con indignación, el anuncio en el periódico El Universal acerca de un concurso infantil denominado -amañadamente- "contra la piratería". Pueden encontrar esta convocatoria en los archivos electrónicos de El Universal en la siguiente dirección:

Esta convocatoia cae en un sinnúmero de barbaridades, y solicito a los editores de este prestigioso diario el derecho de réplica.

Meme picture...

1. Take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instructions with your picture.

FISOL, Tapachula / OpenStreetMap

I was invited to participate at Festival Internacional de Software Libre (FISOL), in Tapchula, Chiapas. The other invited speakers were Sandino Flores (tigrux), Alexandro Colorado (jza), Eric Herrera (crac), John Hall (maddog) and Fernando Romo (pop), all well-known due to very different contributions to the Free Software movement in Mexico and abroad. Several other people also presented tutorials, but I was not involved in that part, and mentioning one while not the rest would be unfair.

Almost 0.5Mbugs

I was already used to regularly receiving Bubulle's bug 500000 contest reports. Lately, he has been busy pushing translators to get d-i in shape - But expect notices from him soon! Right now, we sit at 499416 bug reports so far registered in the Debian BTS. We are really close to the half megabug mark!


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