Posts explaining DebConf

Just echoing what happens in Planet Debian for people who follow my blog (or any other planet where it is syndicated) and is interested in DebConf processes — I'm specially thinking about people interested in preparing a bid for hosting a future DebConf, as well as people organizing hacking conferences who are interesed in understanding how DebConf works:

Entrevista a Articultores (Ernesto Bazzano)

Articultores1 Entrevista a Ernesto Bazzano2 por Lila Pagola julio 2010 1- Articultores es un movimiento que reinicia tres premisas: “Libre cultura, desarrollo sostenible y libre tránsito”. Las 3 representan universos muy actuales y problemáticos, cada uno en sí mismo, tanto que son difíciles de abarcar. ¿cómo y por qué surge la idea de relacionarlos [...]

Thinking about how human-machine interaction is categorized

During DebConf, I managed to squeeze out of the middle of everything for long enough to write a column, a short article for a participation I have every three months, for Mexican Software Gurú magazine. All in all, I liked the resulting text — The current number's main topic is alternative user interfaces.


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