
Comprensión visual: ¿Me lo explicas? Atenex.

Para conocer, identificar, distinguir y relacionar: Mi barrio, Mi aula, Mi cuarto y Mis juguetes.COMPRENSIÓN VISUAL: ¿Me lo explicas?Saludos.
José Miguel TICDEPLATA edublog.

Consumismo en Navidad

No es tópico, ni mucho menos, que en estos días y en los próximos, con la “excusa” de agradar y satisfacer necesidades nos sumimos en un consumismo exacerbado.

Leo un interesante artículo esta mañana en el País: “Solidaridad con el papel de regalo”, donde nos dan las claves para controlar el consumo: Comprar con criterio, colaborar con los regalos que nos brindan las ONGs, causas solidarias, adornos navideños y tarjetas de felicitación realizadas por ONGs o asociaciones humanitarias,…

Chalk’n'talk: If you like grammar the old way

Business English Pod (Bizpod) has launched a new series of videos exploring advanced English grammar issues made by B. Rhodes, a Canadian ELT. It isn’t exactly new, because these videos were already available here, with explanations and quizzes.

Startups here and there

David Welgon has a nice post regarding his opinions on pros and cons on running a startup in Europe (Italy) and the USA (SF/Bay area). The first of the Italy cons got my attention:

Less of a startup culture and mentality. It's more typical to get a "job for life" and hang on to it for all you're worth. Many Italians are tremendously creative, industrious, inventive people, but are going to find it more difficult to express that in some form of business.

My git tips...


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