
Doors and idiot-proof design

I don't know how to use doors. Not even the ones with instructions written on them. If they say "push" I pull, and if they say "pull" I push. I've been locked in, locked out and locked between doors. I can't easily find the handle to get out of my own car. Let's better not talk about keys and locks...
I'm not being particularly smart here, but it seems that the error is more common than I thought. And it seems that my stupidity is not the only cause.

Salimos en la TV Extremeña.


You will not be renumbered

I woke up with a loud BZZZT — It happens every couple of years. The electric transformer for the circuit where my house is located, at the Northern edge of Ciudad Universitaria, decided to die (or at least, to take a break… literally).


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