
Soluzionauto lleva la Web 2.0 a las pymes de la automoción

Como hace mucho tiempo que no traemos nada a nuestra sección de [e-learning en prensa] hoy lo vamos a subsanar con un artículo en Diario de Sevilla sobre Soluzionauto....Twittter (@SZautomotor) Facebook (szauto) que en su web se presentan así:

Running around

If Tim can report his movements around New York, so can I! ;-) Sadly, due to Nokia deprecating my still-quite-new N95 phone by not allowing me to use their service anymore, I won't be able to share my routes with you – But anyway…

Blender 2.53 Beta 1

New York at last!

I spent the past three weeks away from basically any kind of usual contact. I took a three week vacation in Argentina (Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, Tucumán, Salta, Jujuy, Córdoba), got my first snow experience and enjoyed a real lot... But got completely disconnected from all of my usual activities... and responsabilities :-}

Anyway, yesterday afternoon I landed in New York. Arrived to Columbia around 2PM, and spent most of the day zombying around with the Debian crew. And today it starts feeling like the real job is starting.


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