
Por unos 30 € ? ...El material digital per a 95.000 alumnes catalans. Atria, Aventia & Abacus

En estos ensayos, mostraré que la institucionalización de los valores conduce inevitablemente a la contaminación física, a la polarización social y a la impotencia psico

Calibre. Software e-book

We have released!

If you have seen me anywhere near my computer at DebConf, you probably have seen the face of a hurried, worried developer. Still, if you monitor my Debian-related activity, you will notice it is still quite low, even given my (much needed and very much enjoyed) vacations pre-DebConf. Yes, orga-team work is very time consuming, even if my role is far from central this year. And yes, DebCamp+DebConf are known for sucking time into social interaction, which is great but not so (formally) productive. And yes, I even took 1.5 days off to visit my family and a friend who leave in the area...

Video: The Cup

Un creativo video hecho con Blender 2.5 y el personaje o “rig” psl-man, realizado para el fin de curso, donde varios estudiantes tuvieron 3 meses para la realización de este corto:


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