
Saving your back and hands from RSI and similar pain

I took part in a occupational-health-related thread recently, and wrote a bit of my experience which might be helpful for my readers, many of them avid keyboard users, with usually ≥8hr of typing per day.

First Monday: Volume 16, Number 4 - 4 April 2011 ...

Ya tenemos en el aire el nuevo número de First Monday Volume 16, Number 4 - 4 April 2011 ...

FLISoL 2011, Chilpancingo, Gro., Méx.

¿Virus, seriales, cracks, programas demos y/o límitados, actualizaciones obligatorias, Sistema Inoperativo, Antis (Antivirus, AntiHijack, AntiSpywares y más), etc.?

Date la oportunidad de conocer otro mundo "sin todos estos problemas" y sin "Límitaciones"


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