bitácora de iacomella

Announce from the Free Technology Academy

1. Free Technology Academy website launched!
The Free Technology Academy (FTA) is proud to announce the official launch of its website. It’s available at There you will find all the information related with the project, including news, next activities, press resources and many more. All the contents are released under a free Copyleft license, so feel free to share and reuse all the FTA materials.

Online participation in the FCF

If you are insterested in following each action that will take place in the Free Culture Forum on Barcelona, this online resources can be usefull:

More information in this link.

Foro Interncional de la Cultura y el Conocimiento Libre

Durante este semana voy a estar presente en el “Foro Interncional de la Cultura y el Conocimiento Libre”, que tendrá lugar en Barcelona, España. Lo que sigue es el comunicado oficial del evento:

I will be in “Bilbao Open Day 09″

Arte Libre Digital is organazing different activities related with Free Knowledge that will take place during the days 22, 23, 24 and 25 of October in different cultural places in the city of Bilbao, Spain.
The congress is called “Bilbao Open Day09″ and it will last four days and will bring together artists, hackers and creators.

New version of the website!

Versión 3.0
Almost a year since last updated of this website, I finally had some tome to finish the new design and clean the hosting. This is Version 3.0!. In this new version the multi-language support is much more better since it’s directly integrated in Wordpress.

Divulgación en las escuelas

Jornadas de Divulgación sobre Software Libre


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