¿Software con valores? ONG Educalibre en Diario La Nación

Dos artículos dónde interviene Werner Westermann, Director de ONG Educalibre, que tratan sobre el potencial educativo del software libre en establecientos educacionales y esta como alternativa real al uso del software privativo:

Voluntad de saber, Biblioteca 2.0 & Redes sociales: Facebook, les pour et les contre #bib

Para Adorno, Valéry representa la visión de que el museo es donde "ejecutamos al arte del pasado".

Responsible biking: We are not exempt from the traffic rules!

As you know, I very often advocate using the bycicle as the main means of transportation in Mexico City. The city is very apt for biking through it, and contrary to the fears of mostly everybody, the city is neither aggressive nor as dangerous as people say.

However, I have seen cyclists which seem to be looking for the best ways to be hit by a car, or to hit a pedestrian.

Entrega de Premios a Materiales Educativos del ITE

Salón de Actos del Ateneo de MadridEl próximo jueves día 17 de febrero viajaré a Madrid para asistir a la entrega de los

Subsidizing private education?

Hrmh... I am listening to a local news radio station. Of course, what I am about to write lacks information and insight — but it follows a conversation I have had with several groups of friends.


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