Proyectos en el Programa Europeo de Educadores para el Emprendizaje (2a parte)

(1a parte) Al inscribirme a un curso como este, European Entrepreneurship Educators (3EP), sabía que las oportunidades y contactos que podía generar sería muchos, pero nunca imaginé que fueran tantos y de tan alto nivel. Algunos ejemplos de trabajos y proyectos de algunos de los asistentes son los siguientes:

  • SimVenture, the multi-award winning simulation, absorbs users in an authentic, rich and enjoyable learning experience. A flexible and sustainable resource, SimVenture fast-tracks business and entrepreneurship skills and understanding. Widely used in education and commerce, SimVenture brings an extensive range of business subjects to life.
  • Boost Turku, Inspiring Startups, define who you are before defining what you do.
  • iChallengeU, a fun and innovative motivational company made up of the country’s most amazing young people, from adventurers to entrepreneurs, whose primary objective it is to inspire and change the way we think about ourselves.
  • Life EntrepreneursChristopher Gergen and Gregg Vanourek offer fresh stories and strategies for creating an extraordinary life through the power of what they call “life entrepreneurship”.
  • Unleashing Ideas, Global Entrepreneurship Week is the world’s largest celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare. During one week each November, GEW inspires people everywhere through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators.
  • School for startups, overarching mission is to create a vibrant, dynamic culture and economy in the UK that supports and promotes innovation and entrepreneurialism. Our aim is to increase the number of innovative small businesses in the UK and provide them with access to world class business advice to help them succeed.

Estos son solo algunos ejemplos, pero detrás de todos los proyectos están las personas, y si quieres conocer a algunas de ellas, puedes navegar a través de la lista de twitter que las úne.