Moodleposium presence : Call for presenters

Mientras se ha confirmado que la MoodleMoot España se celebrará este año en San Sebastian (de las buenas manos vascas de doñaS @ainhoaeus Ainhoa Ezeiza y @mertxejbadiola Mertxe J. Badiola q seguro será un exitazo..) , de lo que próximamente hablaremos, hoy mientras tanto traemos a este espacio el Moodleposium presence... y su

Call for presenters

Are you coming to MoodlePosium 2011?

Would you like to share your knowledge and experience?

We are currently accepting submissions from people interested in presenting at MoodlePosium 2011.

In order to keep the conference lively, we will be offering several different types of sessions this year.

Formal presentations - 25 mins

Share your knowledge and experiences with an attentive audience

Hands-on workshops - 55 mins

Put your teaching cap on as you guide a computer lab full of your motivated peers to try something new

Speed Moodler presentations - 5 x 10 mins

Show off something cool to engaged educators as they sample a range of Moodle-based delights

Please email with your information and a brief description of the session that you would like to run.

Register for MoodlePosium 2011 Speakers

Moodley Awards Workshops

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