The effects of time on collaborative online learning. eLC Issue 2 (2011) UOC

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Issue 2 (2011) The effects of time on collaborative online learning

Table of Contents


Introduction PDF
Montse Guitert 3-4


Time management in virtual collaborative learning: the case of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (uoc) Abstract PDF
Montse Guitert 5-16
The time factor in an online group course from the point of view of its students Abstract PDF
Marc Romero 17-28
Social aspects as regards the time factor: an analysis of the work process in a virtual group. Abstract PDF
Montse Guitert, Maria Pérez-Mateo 29-44
Supporting collaborative discussions on asynchronous time: a technological perspective Abstract PDF
Santi Caballé 45-57
Assessed real-time language learning tasks online: How do learners prepare? Abstract PDF
Joseph Hopkins 59-72
Some approaches to the effects of time on collaborative online learning Abstract PDF
Morten Flate, Bartolomé Rubia, Cristóbal Suárez, Pedro Román, Manuel Area, Iolanda Garcia, Juan Domingo 73-82

eLCRPS. eLearn Center Research Paper Series is an e-journal promoted by the eLearn Center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

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