Yet another flurry of invites‽

Umh, so Google created yet-another-beta-service with yet-another-invite-only stage. Whee! And this time they choose a name yet more stupid to their previous attempts (Wave, Buzz — now it's simply Google+).

And yes, some of my friends have mailed me invites (or offered them to me by chat) so I can join the fun and love, and lose the few free time I still have.

Guys, I care about you. I even love you all! But no, I don't care the least for so-called-social-network invites. I am quite a mess managing my time as it stands.

And I cannot reply this to you in person, as Google+ sends mails with a very helpful sender ( or variations of it), I have just added this to my .procmailrc:

  1. :0
  2. * ^From:.*noreply.*
  3. /dev/null

What does this mean in human? That instead of manually ignoring your invitations and feeling bad about not answering to you, dear friends, I'll leave that job to my computer. I will not receive any Google+ invites.

Just as I don't receive Twitter and Facebook spam, FWIW.

Thanks for thinking about me!