Manual de Uso del Software Social en la Educación Superior.

Hoy traemos a este espacio el "Manual de Uso del Software Social en la Educación Superior." ...This is the time for its Spanish version, issued by Win-Win Consultores, with the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Turism under its “avanza2” programme for promoting Information Society, managed by We also have to thank ColorIURIS, responsible for the intellectual property rights management scheme.

Puedes descargarte la versión en español, tras aceptar las condiciones legales, siguiendo este enlace “Manual de Uso del Software Social en la Educación Superior”.

Este informe se inserta en el Proyecto iCamp, del que ya hablamos el domingo 23 de octubre de 2005 en [art] Ponencia virtual: iCamp, la Web 2.0 Educativa. AntonioFumero

Crossing the Border to the Future of Education

iCamp is a research and development project funded by the European Commission under the IST (Information Society Technology) programme of FP6. The project aims at creating an infrastructure for collaboration and networking across systems, countries, and disciplines in Higher Education. Pedagogically it is based on constructivist learning theories that puts more emphasis on self-organised learning, social networking, and the changing roles of educators.

The iCamp space

We pursue the idea of gathering people (learners, facilitators, peers, etc.) into one common virtual learning environment. This virtual environment does not consist of a single software system, but is composed of various interoperable tools and platforms. Each element of this patchwork of open-source solutions and the entire space are compliant with an innovative pedagogical model built upon a social-constructivist approach. This pedagogical model encompasses social networking, scaffolding for self-directed learning, incentives, and cross-cultural collaboration aspects. iCamp validates its pedagogical model against its interoperable system & tools portfolio — the iCamp building blocks. The efforts will result in guidelines on pedagogical and technical issues as well as in an open-source software package of constructivist learning tools.

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Fuente: [ icamp]