Informe Comisión Europea : Focus on Higher Education in Europe 2010: The Impact of the Bologna Process

Hoy os traemos a este espacio el informe de la Comisión Europea ,Eurydice: "Focus on Higher Education in Europe 2010: The Impact of the Bologna Process"

Comienza así en su prefacio:

2010 is a momentous year for education in Europe. At the end of the first decade of this new millennium, we have reached the deadline set for a number of European processes. It is therefore an appropriate moment to look back to see where we have progressed and where we have fallen short of our aspirations.

As the Commissioner responsible for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth in the new Commission, I consider this as an important opportunity for me to look forward to the challenges facing the European Higher Education Area over the next decade.

Like other Eurydice publications, this Focus report draws on authoritative information from each country It provides a clear, comparative view of how higher education reform and development has been addressed at national level. It is also the only major report on the impact of the Bologna process that shows not only a European picture but also provides concise information on each national system at the end of the first 'Bologna decade'.

The report illustrates how the Bologna process has ensured that national action keeps pace with our European ambition. The Bologna process has been driving forward the most important reforms in higher education in the modern era, and all of the 46 signatory countries have today made significant moves towards establishing the European Higher Education Area. This is vital if we are to provide our continent and its citizens with the levels of education and skills required in a globally competitive, knowledge-based society.

The European Commission is a committed member of the Bologna process and has consistently supported it. The Commission has, for example, played a key role in developing the main tools – the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), the Diploma Supplement and National Qualifications Frameworks. The Commission will remain a committed supporter of the European Higher Education Area over the next decade as well.

This Focus report clearly shows that the foundations of the European Higher Education Area are now in place. Nevertheless, this is no time to take our foot off the pedal. Indeed, notwithstanding the progress made during the past decade, we need to intensify our European cooperation to ensure that this Area functions in practice. We must strive for continued improvement in quality, in the relevance of the education and outcomes provided, in ensuring access to higher education and mobility for students across Europe. (leer más...pdf, 160 pp)

Fuente: [comisión europea]