DevLearn10. The new face of learning

DevLearn 2010 Preview from The eLearning Guild on Vimeo.

Hoy traemos a este espacio a DevLearn10... así nos lo presentan en su web:

THE NEW FACE OF LEARNING is you and an entire global network of professionals working every day to facilitate better learning. It is everyone in your organization working and learning and sharing knowledge and expertise. It’s about the connections we make — enabling us to learn from each other and from content generated by a myriad of sources. It’s about the incredible array of new tools and technologies at our disposal. If you want to know what’s coming next in the world of e-Learning, and what the top people in the field are thinking and doing, there is no better place to be than DevLearn|10. It's time to join the 1,596 who've already registered!

DevLearn 2010 Keynote Speakers

We believe that keynote speakers should rock your world. They should push you out of your comfort zone by offering you new perspectives, making you think out-of-the-box, and giving you the "40,000 foot view" of things. Like all DevLearn keynotes, these are going to be amazing presentations!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010, at 8:30 am

the power of pullThe Power of Pull
How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion

John Seely Brown
Visiting Scholar, University of Southern California

The Power of Pull examines the “how question” — how can we effectively address our most pressing challenges in a rapidly changing and increasingly interdependent world? Brown highlights fascinating new ways in which passionate thinking, creative solutions, and committed action can — and will — make it possible for us to seize opportunities and remain in step with change.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010, at 2:30 pm

total engagementTotal Engagement
Using Games and Virtual Worlds to Change the Way People Work and Learn

Byron Reeves
Professor, Stanford University

Imagine the value if you could transfer the excitement and focus found in great games to the office. What if your employees could solve customer problems, develop new knowledge and increase performance, design new software, or configure better shipping routes working inside a game environment? This isn’t just possible, says Byron Reeves, it’s inevitable.

Thursday, November 4, 2010, at 8:30 am

the new knowThe New Know
Innovation Powered by Analytics

Thornton May
Executive Director,
IT Leadership Academy

Effective measurement and assessment of learning solutions is critical to your success. The New Know argues that analytics are needed by all enterprises in order to be successful — and that includes the learning organization. May will help you understand why data analytics are critical in every environment … and essential to learn from the past and navigate into the future.

Thursday, November 4, 2010, at 2:30 pm

the new social learningThe New Social Learning
Transform Your Work Through Collaborative Technology

Marcia Conner
Altimeter Group

Social media has the power to transform organizations into ecosystems teaming with innovations, fresh solutions, thoughtful decisions, and the capacity to lead wisely into their future. This forward-looking presentation examines emerging trends, looks at their impact on every organization, and addresses how learning professionals should react. You’ll walk away with a vision of the future as well as a plan to create your long term roadmap..

Friday, November 5, 2010 at 11am

New Perspectives in Learning
Six Views from Six Thought Leaders

Six powerful voices from the e-Learning community were tasked with bringing their “A” game to DevLearn in a fast-paced idea fest. Speakers were selected because they bring a unique perspective and a thought-provoking presentation style that’s sure to inform and delight you. Brent Schlenker will host this event and encourage your active participation. This is a must-see mix of e-Learning leaders who have been given one assignment: Deliver your BEST idea!

Perspectives on Learning: Six Views from Six Thought Leaders These powerful e-Learning Thought Leaders have one mission: Share your best idea! Learn More...

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