Proyecto y Guía SAEL. The quality of language teaching in Europe.

Hoy traemos a este espacio al proyecto SAEL , que como nos dicen en su web :
The aim of the SAEL project is to facilitate the implementation of language policy recommendations aimed at improving the quality of language teaching in Europe.

Le projet multilatéral Comenius SAEL (sites d'accompagnement pour les enseignants de langues) associe trois partenaires l'ANIF (Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti Francese, Italie), Europees Platform internationaliseren in onderwijs (Pays-Bas) et le Centre international d'études pédagogiques, pilote du projet (France). Deux experts, Elisabeth Brodin et Micheline Maurice, ont été associées au projet.

También os traemos la guía que se ha editado ... PrACTiCAl GuiDE TO DESiGNiNG, ruNNiNG AND iMPrOviNG SuPPOrT wEBSiTES FOr lANGuAGE TEACHErS

A practical guide for decision-makers

The SAEL project has produced a practical guide containing concrete proposals for creating and updating websites designed to support language teachers in their work. The initiative, similar to benchmarking, is based on field surveys and the observation and testing of good practices. The proposals are modular so as to allow for adaption to different national and regional contexts.

... y que podéis descargaros ...

This guide, one of the final outcomes of the project, contains practical suggestions for creating and updating websites designed to support the work of language teachers.

– What is a language teacher support website?
– How are these websites designed, run and improved?
– Who is involved in this process and what are the main stages?
– Why does a support website represent real added value for the teaching community?

This guide sets out to provide practical answers to all these questions. It includes recommendations, examples of websites and good practices for setting up, improving and running support websites which match the requirements in your country, region or institution.

Download the SAEL guide (pdf file 77 pages, 500 ko).

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Fuente: [eurosael]