Y los ganadores son... the edublogawards 2009 ....



Aquí tenéis los resultados de the edublog awarde 2009, ... enhorabuena a todas las personas ganadoras, ... pero sobre todo al amigo @anibaldelatorre ... que con su bitácora de anibal de la torre ha conseguido el premio al Best Educational Use of Video/Visual...en el que la imagen de arriba es un ejemplo de su sección titulada [fotografía educativa] [Fotografia educativa] Los humanos hemos estropeado la evolución

And here are the results:

Best Individual Blog is Free Technology For Teachers (Richard Byrne)

Best Individual Tweeter is Web2.0Classroom (Steven Anderson)

Best Group Blog is MacMillan Dictionary Blog

Best New Blog is Kirsten Winkler

Best Class Blog is Billings Middle School Tech Class Blog

Best Student Blog is Civil War Sallie

Best Resource Sharing Blog is Free Technology for Teachers (Richard Byrne)

Most Influential Blog Post is Anseo.net’s Head in the Clouds

Most Influential Tweet Series #edchat

Best Teacher Edublog is Two Writing Teachers (TIGHT CATEGORY!)

Best Library/Librarian Blog is Never Ending Search

Best Educational Tech Support Blog is iLearn Technology

Best ELearning/Corporate Blog is MPB Reflections — 21st Century Teaching and Learning

Best Educational Use of Audio is Xyleme Voices Podcasts

Best Educational Use of Video/Visual is Bitacora de Ánibal de la Torre

Best Educational Wiki Greetings From The World

Best Educational Use of a Social Networking Site is English Companion Ning

Best Educational Use of a Virtual World is Virtual Graduation at the University of Edinburgh

Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Karl Fisch

If you have not seen the nominations, they can be visited using the links here. Great program tonight Sue and Steve! Proud to be a part of it!(leer más...)

Fuente: [Cathy Nelson’s Professional Thoughts]