INTED2010 (International Technology, Education and Development Conference)

On behalf of the Organising Committee we have the pleasure to invite you to take part in the annual Edition of INTED2010 (International Technology, Education and Development Conference) that will be held in Valencia (Spain) on the 8th, 9th and 10th of March, 2010.
INTED 2010 will be an International Forum for those who wish to present their projects and innovations in Education and Technology, having also the opportunity to discuss the main issues and results in the field of Education and Research.
The general aim of the conference is to promote international collaboration in Education and Technology in all educational fields and disciplines. The attendance of more than 500 delegates from 70 different countries is expected.
We invite you to submit your abstracts and to attend in order to share your achievements in the fields of education and collaboration. The deadline for submitting abstracts is December 1st, 2009.
Two ISBN publications will be produced with all accepted abstracts and papers that will serve as a database of innovation projects in Education and Technology. In addition to the technical programme of the event, our website provides you with tourist information on the attractive city of Valencia with an enormous cultural richness and interesting places to visit.
We look forward to seeing you in Valencia!
INTED 2010 Organising Committee.

Web INTED 2010
The scope of INTED 2010 includes the following topics:

General Issues

Education and Globalization

Organizational, legal and financial issues

Diversity issues and women and minorities in science and technology

Barriers to Learning (e.g.: age, psychosocial factors, ethnicity…)

Increasing affordability and access to the Internet

Impact of Education on Development

Experiences in Education

Enhancing learning and the undergraduate experience

New projects and innovations

Transferring disciplines

Competence Evaluation

Learning Experiences in Primary and Secondary School

Pre-service teacher experiences

Student Selection Criteria in interdisciplinary studies

Student Support in Education

Lifelong Learning

Vocational Training

New Trends in the Higher Education Area

New challenges for the Higher Education Area

ETCS experiences

Erasmus experiences in the universities

Student and staff mobility programmes

The Bologna Declaration process

Experiences in Joint degrees programmes

International Projects

New experiences for the international cooperation

Joint Education projects

Joint Reserach projects

Project outcomes and conclusions

Pedagogical & Didactical Innovations

Learning and Teaching Methodologies

Language Learning Innovations

Tutoring and Coaching

Transferable skills

Complimentary skills programmes

Evaluation and Assessment of Student Learning

Collaborative and Problem-based Learning

Teacher education experiences

Research in Education

Experiences in Research in Education

Research on Technology in Education

Links between Education and Research

Research Methodologies

Academic Research Projects

Engineering Research Centres

Virtual Universities

The internationalization of Universities

Experiences in Virtual Universities

Distance education

Technological Issues in Education


Mobile/Wireless Technologies (PDA, SmartPhones, etc)

Blended Learning

Web classroom applications

Online/Virtual Laboratories

Classroom and Laboratory: Integration

Managed Learning Environments (MLEs)

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)

eLearning Standards (SCORM)

Technology-Enhanced Learning

Computer Supported Collaborative Work

Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs)

Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)

Web 2.0 and Social Networking: Blogs, Wikis …

Experiences in Web Technologies in Education

Educational Software and Serious Games

Educational Software experiences

Experiences in Educational/Serious Games

Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia

3D Applications and Virtual Reality

Simulation and Remote Control

Videos for Learning (YouTube Generation)

Gaming Consoles as Learning Tools

Curriculum Design and Innovation

New Experiences for Curriculum Design

Strategies, Principles and Challenges

Forecasting of labour market and skill needs in Europe

Generic skills and their development

Quality assurance in Education

Academic experiences and best practice contributions

Accreditation /Assessment processes

Quality standards at national and international level

University-Industry Collaboration

Collaborative Learning and Work Employability

Continuous Education

University/Industry Programs

University/Industry Experiences

E-content Management and Development

Knowledge Management experiences


Intellectual Property Rights and Plagiarism

Digital Rights Management

User-Generated Content

Digital Libraries and Repositories

Business Intelligence