Strange scanning on my server?

Humm... Has anybody else seen a pattern like this?

I am getting a flurry of root login attempts at my main server at the University since yesterday 7:30AM (GMT-5). Now, from the machines I run in the network (UNAM), only two listen to the world with ssh at port 22 — And yes, it is a very large network, but I am only getting this pattern on one of them (they are on different subnets, quite far apart). They are all attempting to log in as root, with a frequency that varies wildly, but is consistently over three times a minute right now. This is a sample of what I get in my logs:

[update] Logs omitted from blog post, as it is too wide and breaks displays for most users. You can download the log file instead.

Anyway… This comes from all over the world, and all the attempts are made as root (no attempts from unprivileged users). Of course, I have PermitRootLogin to no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, but… I want to understand this as much as possible.

Initially it struck me that most of the attempts appeared to come from Europe (quite atypical for the usual botnet distribution), so I passed my logs through:

  1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  2. use Geo::IP;
  3. use IO::File;
  4. use strict;
  5. my ($geoip, $fh, %by_ip, %by_ctry);
  7. $fh = IO::File->new('/tmp/sshd_log');
  8. $geoip=Geo::IP->new(GEOIP_STANDARD);
  9. while (my $lin = $fh>) { next unless $lin =~ /rhost=(\S+)/; $by_ip{$1}++};
  11. print " Incidence by IP:\n", "Num Ctry IP\n", ('='x60),"\n";
  13. for my $ip ( sort {$by_ip{$a} => $by_ip{$b}} keys %by_ip) {
  14. my $ctry = ($ip =~ /^[\d\.]+$/) ?
  15. $geoip->country_code_by_addr($ip) :
  16. $geoip->country_code_by_name($ip);
  18. $by_ctry{$ctry}++;
  19. printf "%3d %3s %s\n", $by_ip{$ip}, $ctry, $ip;
  20. }
  22. print " Incidence by country:\n", "Num Country\n", "============\n";
  23. map {printf "%3d %s\n", $by_ctry{$_}, $_}
  24. sort {$by_ctry{$b} => $by_ctry{$a}}
  25. keys(%by_ctry);

The top countries (where the number of attempts ≥ 5) are:

  1. 104 CN
  2. 78 US
  3. 58 BR
  4. 49 DE
  5. 43 PL
  6. 20 ES
  7. 20 IN
  8. 19 RU
  9. 17 CO
  10. 17 UA
  11. 16 IT
  12. 13 AR
  13. 12 ZA
  14. 10 CA
  15. 10 CH
  16. 8 GB
  17. 8 AT
  18. 8 JP
  19. 8 FR
  20. 7 KR
  21. 7 HK
  22. 7 PE
  23. 7 ID
  24. 6 PT
  25. 5 CZ
  26. 5 AU
  27. 5 BE
  28. 5 SE
  29. 5 RO
  30. 5 MX

I am attaching to this post the relevant log (filtering out all the information I could regarding legitimate users) as well as the full output. In case somebody has seen this kind of wormish botnetish behaviour lately… please comment.

[Update] I have tried getting some data regarding the attacking machines, running a simple nmap -O -vv against a random sample (five machines, I hope I am not being too agressive in anybody's eyes). They all seem to be running some flavor of Linux (according to the OS fingerprinting), but the list of open ports varies wildly — I have seen the following:

  1. Not shown: 979 closed ports
  3. 21/tcp open ftp
  4. 22/tcp open ssh
  5. 23/tcp open telnet
  6. 111/tcp open rpcbind
  7. 135/tcp filtered msrpc
  8. 139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
  9. 445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
  10. 593/tcp filtered http-rpc-epmap
  11. 992/tcp open telnets
  12. 1025/tcp filtered NFS-or-IIS
  13. 1080/tcp filtered socks
  14. 1433/tcp filtered ms-sql-s
  15. 1434/tcp filtered ms-sql-m
  16. 2049/tcp open nfs
  17. 4242/tcp filtered unknown
  18. 4444/tcp filtered krb524
  19. 6346/tcp filtered gnutella
  20. 6881/tcp filtered bittorrent-tracker
  21. 8888/tcp filtered sun-answerbook
  22. 10000/tcp open snet-sensor-mgmt
  23. 45100/tcp filtered unknown
  24. Device type: general purpose|WAP|PBX
  25. Running (JUST GUESSING) : Linux 2.6.X|2.4.X (96%), ()
  28. Not shown: 993 filtered ports
  30. 22/tcp open ssh
  31. 25/tcp open smtp
  32. 80/tcp open http
  33. 443/tcp open https
  34. 444/tcp open snpp
  35. 3389/tcp open ms-term-serv
  36. 4125/tcp closed rww
  37. Device type: general purpose|phone|WAP|router
  38. Running (JUST GUESSING) : Linux 2.6.X (91%), ()
  40. Not shown: 994 filtered ports
  42. 22/tcp open ssh
  43. 25/tcp closed smtp
  44. 53/tcp closed domain
  45. 80/tcp open http
  46. 113/tcp closed auth
  47. 443/tcp closed https
  48. Device type: general purpose
  49. Running (JUST GUESSING) : Linux 2.6.X (90%)
  50. OS fingerprint not ideal because: Didn't receive UDP response. Please try again with -sSU
  51. Aggressive OS guesses: Linux 2.6.15 - 2.6.26 (90%), Linux 2.6.23 (89%), (…)
  53. Not shown: 982 closed ports
  55. 21/tcp open ftp
  56. 22/tcp open ssh
  57. 37/tcp open time
  58. 80/tcp open http
  59. 113/tcp open auth
  60. 135/tcp filtered msrpc
  61. 139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
  62. 445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
  63. 1025/tcp filtered NFS-or-IIS
  64. 1080/tcp filtered socks
  65. 1433/tcp filtered ms-sql-s
  66. 1434/tcp filtered ms-sql-m
  67. 4242/tcp filtered unknown
  68. 4444/tcp filtered krb524
  69. 6346/tcp filtered gnutella
  70. 6881/tcp filtered bittorrent-tracker
  71. 8888/tcp filtered sun-answerbook
  72. 45100/tcp filtered unknown
  73. Device type: general purpose|WAP|broadband router
  74. Running (JUST GUESSING) : Linux 2.6.X|2.4.X (95%), (…)
  76. Not shown: 994 filtered ports
  78. 22/tcp open ssh
  79. 25/tcp open smtp
  80. 53/tcp open domain
  81. 80/tcp open http
  82. 110/tcp open pop3
  83. 3389/tcp open ms-term-serv
  84. Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port
  85. Device type: firewall|general purpose
  86. Running: Linux 2.6.X
  87. OS details: Smoothwall firewall (Linux, Linux 2.6.13 - 2.6.24, Linux 2.6.16

Of course, it strikes me that several among said machines seem to be Linuxes, but (appear to) run Microsoft services. Oh, and they also have P2P clients.

Attachment Size
Results of parsing the logs 21.58 KB
Relevant portion of the logs 1.05 MB