Microsoft Live Services Plug-in for Moodle

from  Christopher Blog

Microsoft Live Services Plug-in for Moodle
Hello fellow Moodlers,

On July 21 the Microsoft Education Labs group release the first CPLv2 software for Moodle.
Here is a list with some of the benefits that Moodlers can take advantage of:

* Moodle site Administrators can include Microsoft Live Services,
* Students and Teachers can use their Windows Live IDs to sign in to Moodle,
* Students and Teachers can access Live Services like email, instant messenger without leaving Moodle.

Is that sounds good?

I highly encourage you to watch the following video and visit the following links:

Video about Microsoft Module for Moodle
Microsoft Live Services Plug-in for Moodle
Microsoft Integrates Live@edu with Moodle, Launches Education Labs
Microsoft Live Services Plug-in for Moodle by Marting Dougiamas