eSchola. education beyond borders

Hoy traemos a eSchola, your own education network, su fundador es Alex Souza... y andan por Honolulu , Hawai'i....y así se presentan: Welcome to eSchola. Now you have your own education network to share your knowledge, ideas, and experience with everyone, including friends, classmates, teachers, professionals, and education providers. You can also create online groups; design your profile page to showcase your academic skills; place classified ads; post blogs, forums, events; upload files, podcasts, pictures; and much more. Please go to your [my account] page and update your [account] and [profile] settings.

Imagine if you could have your own education network to connect with schools, faculty, peers, classmates, parents, and professionals all over the world. What if you could share your ideas about research papers, theses, dissertations, and assignments; and discuss them with members of your own network group?

Imagine if you could share ideas that would help people choose their college or university; perhaps one of the most important decisions of their lives. What if you could listen to podcasts, create your own blogs and forums, and connect with people who will help you succeed in your academic field and profession?

Now that you have imagined all these possibilities, here is who we are: eSchola is a free education network dedicated to supporting the growth of knowledge between learners and educators.

Our Vision:
To become the leading facilitator of collaborative education for global learners and educators.

Our Mission:
To promote free access to academic and professional development by encouraging knowledge transfer and collaborative learning beyond borders. The fundamental concepts of our mission are based on learning, sharing, collaborating, and disseminating knowledge around the world.

Our Criterion:
To ensure that effective knowledge transfer meets the expectations of global learners and educators by promoting world class education.

Our Contact Information:
E-mail: (leer más...)

Fuente: [ eSchola]