eLearning Papers n° 14 (2009). ICT and lifelong learning for a creative and innovative Europe

Ya teníamos en el aire el nuevo número de eLearning Papers nº 14 (2009) ...y al reseñar el nº 15 , me di cuenta que me salté el 14 y es interesante...

ICT and lifelong learning for a creative and innovative Europe
A special publication by Learnovation in cooperation with the eLearning Papers to support the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009.

Over the past decade, ICT have enabled changes in the way people live, work, interact and acquire knowledge. Successful education and training in our knowledge society depend increasingly on the confident, competent and innovative use of ICT.

Progress in the use of ICT for education and training across Europe has been substantial over the past few years. ICT have been taken up largely in educational institutions. There is broad agreement that ICT are helping learning in schools, and that e-mature schools produce better results. Higher education is also reaping major benefits from ICT and steadily coming to grips with their potential for distance learning, virtual mobility and ongoing professional development. Large companies and public administrations report good results from e-learning in the workplace.

eLearning Papers nº 14. Documento PDF. 505 Kb.

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