Ave Cesar, morituri te salutant !!: Derechos de autor, patentes , Bob Dylan y Ray Henderson blog. Blackboard Learn.

"Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant"

“Si vales, bene est; valeo”

Me he acordado de saludos famosos .. por eso os dejo uno q le hacían a César ("Ave, Cesar, los que van a morir te saludan...y el que César usaba en sus epístolas (“Si estás bien, es bueno; yo estoy bien”) ... los dos muy bonitos ... para saludar y dar la bienvenida a Ray.

Hoy os traemos un nuevo blog que surje a las ondas blogocósicas, a la blogesfera... pero no un blog cualquiera ... no señó... el blog de Ray Henderson, ... ¿que quién es ese señor? Pues nada menos que el Presidente de Blackboard Learn. Bienvenido a la blogocosa Ray , por parte de un usuario Blackboard mal que me pese ;-)!!!

Here’s the short version of a professional life wholly focused on Education. I recently joined Blackboard as President of the company's teaching and learning division, Blackboard Learn. I’ll be focused on product development, client success and support as well as the global services and managed hosting functions. Before coming on board here, I led ANGEL Learning's product strategy, product development and go-to-market efforts. Further in the rear view are two stops at Pearson - the first publishing textbooks and the second leading up the digital products group that created learning tools like MyMathLab– as well as a formative role at eCollege. I’m really interested in openness and standards and have long been involved with the IMS Global Learning Consortium including serving on the board of directors as I do now. My full bio is here

Y por dónde ha comenzado? ... como no podía ser de otro modo, pues por el principio... claro!!!...aunque me pregunto si poner nombre da derecho de uso y disfrute para la exclusividad y para el resto de la eternidad... caso Blackboard.

On Beginning Now that I’m up and running at Blackboard I’m getting around to setting up shop on the communication front. Me joining the company means we’re going to communicate more often and more openly. So consider this post me hanging out my discussion and dialog shingle. I’m excited about having a spot where I can muse out loud about my take on various things in eLearning, and have other folks weigh in with theirs. In particular, I’ve got lots to say on the whole openness, standards, interoperability question. And love a good exchange about where teaching and learning technology is (or should be) headed.

I’m also going to use this spot as another way (if only email reached everyone any more) to share communications I send to our client community so you’ll see them posted here. To get started, I’ve posted a few I’ve already sent from my first month at Blackboard, including an introduction note I sent out today. Here’s a quick excerpt to share a little more about me:(...)

Destaco entre el post inicial de Ray este párrafo, sobre el medio blog, los comentarios:

"One more note… this medium isn’t quite as unfettered as I’d ideally like but everybody’s got their own flavor of some sort of limitation, and as a public company, so do we. Let me be totally transparent about that limitation. I’m dipping my toe in the previously uncharted waters for Blackboard of having comments turned on in this blog. Not revolutionary I know and really required for an interesting exchange. But a new step for Blackboard nonetheless and one we’re taking gradually. "

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Fuente: [ray henderson]