Main character for The Gunnar Wolf chronicles

Main character for The Gunnar Wolf chronicles

I am afraid to say this... But my good friend Kaz has just created a great iconic representation of this angry viking-like antihero on his crusade to spread Free Software and clobber every naysayer with the DFSG and his own personal interpretation of the Social Contract (where Guideline is defined as... Well, better left as an excercise to the reader. To the very patient reader).

So, the unofficial, unsanctioned and not related in any way to this (or any other) person, dead or alive... But thanks, kaz, for keeping my name alive in this chaos that Internet has become, even while I cannot stand the stupid twitterosity: (English), (Spanish) (And both empty, as far as I can tell)


Imagen de pooka

Creo que la versión del pequeño Gunnar es mucho mejor.

Felices no parloteos.

Imagen de sheik

A mi si me gustó, ya había pensado en ti como vikingo, la verdad es que son como 2 gotas de agua :D