Encuentro Centroamericano de Software Libre 2009

In this moment, we are planning the “Free Software Central American Meeting“, this will be the first edition and the venue will be in Esteli, Nicaragua. What are we planning to do in this event? We are planning to have 4 activities, the first one an exchange of experience between all the FLOSS communities from Central America, the second one, sharing knowledge making workshop, the third one, planning some strategies so we can make regional projects for the benefit of Central America.

The last one, its an programming contest, where the hackers from Central America will be working in a software development that help to all the countries of the region.

This event will be on 17th June to 21th June of 2009, so we have time to organize a great event! I would like to make an special invitation to people who don’t live in Central America to join us and share with the Central American tux family :)

Also, this is the first time we are going to have all the Ubuntu Central America Communities Leaders, with the presence of Ubuntu LoCo Teams from Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

If you want to join us, just let me know.